Initial discussion on Law on Open data was held

Initial discussion on Law on Open data was held this week.

This week, the Government of Mongolia made one step up on actions for Open data legal environment. Initial discussion on Law on Open data was held in Ulaanbaatar on July 28, 2020.

A representative from private sector said “The first step for open data legal environment to support its investment and a new level-up for public private partnership”.

The Open data draft was developed by legal team within the scope of the Smart Government Project, financed by the World Bank and implemented by the  Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia .

Participants of the discussion were represented public and private sectors including open data provider, user and interested parties.  Every participant was keen to give their supportive comments the draft law.

The Cabinet Secretariat of the Government highlighted that the discussion was initial one and further legal discussions on Open data law would be held.


Smart Government Project, Project implementation unit, July 31, 2020